Wait for the Promise of the Holy Spirit

Wait for the Promise of the Holy Spirit

Wait for the Promise of the Holy Spirit

The most exciting part of the faith journey is the season when you wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit like the early church in Acts 1.


Have you ever eagerly waited for the arrival of someone special?   As a child, I remember eagerly waiting for my far-away cousins to visit.  My mother would announce that cousins were coming, and I would spend hours upon hours looking out the window to wait for their car to pull into our driveway.  When they pulled into the driveway, I felt overwhelming excitement, but I will always remember eagerly waiting for that moment.


What does Jesus promise about the Holy Spirit?


In John 14, Jesus gives the promise of the Holy Spirit.

“If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever–the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.” ~ John 14:15-17 NIV

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” ~ John 14:26 NIV

Much of what Jesus was saying to the disciples did not make sense to them.  The disciples thought Jesus was building an earthly kingdom, but Jesus was building a heavenly kingdom.  In John 14, Jesus promises to provide us with the Holy Spirit to guide, teach, and advocate for us on the faith journey towards God’s heavenly kingdom.


Acts 1:  They Wait for the Promise of the Holy Spirit


In Acts 1: 4-5 NIV, Jesus commands them, “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water; but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”


Could you imagine being an apostle in Acts 1 after Jesus had ascended into heaven, and you are now eagerly waiting for the gift of the Holy Spirit?  I can only imagine that feeling the apostles had in anticipation as they wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit.


During this 30-Day Faith Journey, I encourage you to eagerly wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit with the same anticipation as the apostles.

30-Day Faith Journey


The apostles wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit with three precepts based upon prayer, the Scripture, and waiting.


First, they prayed.


Acts 1: 14 NIV says, “They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.”


1 Thessalonians 5:17 NIV says, “Pray continually.”

the promise of the Holy Spirit


We communicate thanksgiving, praise, adoration, repentance, forgiveness, and our personal needs to God through prayer.  Prayer is the foundation of intimacy with God, and prayer is our time to present our genuine selves.


My husband and I have been married for more than 20 years.  When asked about what makes our marriage special, I always say that we have had only one conversation.  It started more than 20 years ago and has not stopped.  We start our conversation right where we left off every time we see or talk to each other. That is exactly what prayer is.  Amen means “so be it”.  Saying “Amen” does not mean I am all done with prayer, but it means “so be it” in God’s will until our next time of prayer.

Secondly, they referred to the Scripture.


In Acts 1: 16 NIV, Peter says, “Brothers and sisters, the Scripture had to be fulfilled in which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago…”

the promise of the Holy Spirit


Not only did the apostles spend time under the teaching of Jesus himself, but they knew the Scripture and used the Scripture to prove that Jesus was the Messiah.  The guys who wrote the New Testament still knew and studied the Old Testament.


When our contractor built our home, he worked quickly and had our house framed within record time.  This quickness came with an expense.  Some of our walls are not perfectly plumb.  In other words, some of our walls are not perfect 90- degree angles—just ask the guy who installed our kitchen cabinets.  The same thing happens to us when we are not reading and studying the Bible.


Besides, there is so much information about Christianity, the gifts of the Spirit, and even listening prayer that is not aligned with Scripture. The Bible is God’s Word and the plumb line that we need to use to ensure that our lives and beliefs align perfectly with God.


Third, they eagerly wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit.


In Acts 1: 4 NIV, Jesus says, “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait…”

the promise of the Holy Spirit


They obeyed Jesus’ command with great anticipation, and they waited in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit’s arrival.  If you have started this 30-day journey with us, then I pray that you are overwhelmed with excitement as you eagerly wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit.


Meditate on Scripture: John 10: 25-30


Slowly read today’s Bible verse and focus on the meaning of each word.  Ask God to help you understand this verse and remember that God speaks to us is through Scripture.


John 10:27 NIV says, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”


Listening Prayer


Begin today by asking Jesus the Christ crucified and resurrected to come and to speak to you.  Be still for 4-5 minutes and listen to His voice. God will follow through on the promise of the Holy Spirit.


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