Overcoming Insecurity Biblically by Telling Yourself the Truth
What is insecurity? What is the secret to overcoming insecurity Biblically? The secret is to overcoming insecurity Biblically is to spend time in God’s presence, stop believing lies, and start telling yourself the truth!
This past week someone asked for my input along with a group of others via text message. I gave the most accurate information that I knew and a few practical suggestions regarding the text message inquiry. Within minutes, someone else sent a strong message that my statement was incorrect and gave different suggestions.
In the past, I would have melted with discouragement or become angry with the person who challenged me. Both the discouragement and the anger would have come from feeling insecure, which was very normal to me. However, this time I felt no discouragement and no anger. I was not feeling insecure and had complete peace about the situation.
Insecurity has shown up at opportune times in my life, but with God’s help, I have been overcoming insecurity Biblically.
What is insecurity?
So, what is insecurity anyway? Insecurity shows up when you feel threatened in any way. For me, insecurity shows up when I am wrong or when someone tries to prove me wrong. Then, discouragement and anger usually try to join insecurity by throwing my emotions into chaos.
Overcoming Insecurity Biblically
One of the most challenging things for any person to do is to name how they feel. If you ask someone how they feel, they often say simple feelings, like mad, happy, sad, and glad. Some people will even identify discouragement, depression, and anxiety if they regularly name their feelings.
Learn to name your feelings, even the intense feelings, so that you can give them to God and learn to handle them. in God’s presence.
When it comes to the uncomfortable feeling of insecurity, spend time in God’s presence, stop believing lies, and tell ourselves the truth, and that is the secret to overcoming insecurity Biblically!
Spend time in God’s presence![Overcoming Insecurity Biblically by Telling Yourself the Truth](https://theshepherdssheep.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Exodus-33_14-NIV-says-The-Lord-replied-%E2%80%98My-Presence-will-go-with-you-and-I-will-give-you-rest.-200x300.png)
Exodus 33:14 NIV says, “The Lord replied, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’”
The essential step in dealing with uncomfortable feelings is to spend time in God’s presence. I genuinely believe that the only reason I was not caught off guard by insecurity was that I am currently on a 30-day faith journey. I regularly spend 30 minutes daily asking Jesus to come with His presence.
Whatever situation is going on in my life, I ask Jesus to come into it. I have often asked Jesus to come into lives, relationships, and situations. Oftentimes, I see God moving in those lives, relationships, and situations in better ways than I could have asked if I were giving him specific requests.
Do I still pray specific prayer requests? YES!! However, I want to make sure that every prayer request I give God aligns with his Word and his will.
What does this have to do with insecurity? Remember the text message and the strong message that I received? Well, it was a situation that I had asked Jesus to come to, so I was very confident that God knew what was going on in the hearts of all involved, even if I did not.
Revealing the Lie through Bible verses about insecurity
![overcoming insecurity, Ephesians 1:17 NIV](https://theshepherdssheep.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/insecuritypin3-200x300.png)
Ephesians 1:17 NIV says, “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.”
I often pray Ephesians 1:17 NIV when I need to give God some uncomfortable feelings. Usually, it is because I believe a lie, and that is what is driving the uncomfortable feeling.
I ask God to give me the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to reveal and show me the lie so that I may know him better by knowing and understanding His truth.
For example, the lie that I “need to be something” often drives my insecurity. I need to be right. I need to be the best. I need to be included. I need to be wanted. I need to be perfect. These lies drive the discouragement and anger caused by insecurity.
For others, the lie behind insecurity might be based upon performance or comparing yourself to others.
Ask God to show you any lies that you might be believing, then make sure you read God’s Word to tell yourself the truth.
Telling yourself the truth through Bible verses about insecurity
Christian friend, it is time for you to start telling yourself the truth!
For my “need to be” lies, I began reading about my identity in Christ to develop security in who I was. For example, Ephesians 5:1 NRSV sums up our identity in Christ as “…. beloved children.” I do not need to be anybody else than a child of God.
I love the secure promises of God, especially knowing that no one will snatch me away from the Father.
Psalms 16:8 NIV promises that I will not be shaken. It says, “I keep my eyes on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”
Romans 8:39 says that “neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” That is right. Nothing will separate us from God’s love.
The truth is you are loved, you are a child of God, you cannot be snatched from God, you cannot be shaken, and nothing will separate you from God’s love.
Today is the day to start telling yourself the truth that you are secure in Christ Jesus, our Lord!
So, what is the secret for overcoming insecurity Biblically? The secret is to spend time in God’s presence, stop believing lies, and start telling yourself the truth!
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